01282 871538
Office Hours 9am to 4pm Monday to Thursday, Closed Friday
Lightweight Heating Nozzle & Neck Assembly

Lightweight Heating Nozzle & Neck Assembly

  • Fits all standard Lightweight type Gas Welding Torches
  • Oxy/Acetylene & Oxy/Propane versions
  • HVAC & Refigeration Use
  • Faster Brazing/Forming of Copper Pipes etc.
  • Fast, low cost delivery
From £ 27.50 (inc VAT)
Shipping £3.85
(inc VAT to the United Kingdom for any number of small parts)
Lightweight Heating Nozzle & Neck Assembly O/A
£27.50 (inc VAT)
For use with Oxy/Acetylene
Lightweight Heating Nozzle & Neck Assembly O/P
£35.70 (inc VAT)
For use with Oxy/Propane Gas

Provides a wider flame area & higher heat output so is ideal for brazing & forming of copper pipework used in Heating, Ventilation & Refrigeration industries.

Standard connection for all popular Lightweight type gas welding torches:- BOC Combi-Lite, Murex Saffire DH3, Murex Saffire Lite, Wescol Model 65, Butbro Orbit, Hi-Lo LD and all generic copies using the Lightweight type nozzles.

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